Likovid Purim: cRc Approved Liquor List [5773]

Attached is an extensive and detailed list of alcoholic beverages, which can be used as a guide when purchasing alcoholic drinks for Purim and any other time. The list is the most recent listings available as of this time, and was complied by the cRc of Chicago.

The cRc does not in anyway encourage, or discourage drinking these beverages. This is simply a guide as to their findings into what the Kashruth status is of the many drinks which people buy.

To read the list, please click HERE.

Wishing all a Freilichen and a safe Purim.

6 Responses

  1. Nothing personal, but after posting the letter about 40% Johnny Walker, and being that the mitzvas hayom is with wine, why are you postung this with the heading L’Kavod Purim? it sort of gives the wrong message.

  2. Why are you posting this after posting for the past 2 days about the dangers of drinking? This makes no sense!!! If you don’t want people to drink on Purim then don’t promote drinking! Even if the advertiser offers you 1Million for this ad it makes no sense if your not pro drinking! Please take this off asap! It sickens me that people can be so 2 faced!

  3. I am disappointed that Brooklyn Lager is not on the list. Does this reflect the Chicago focus of the CRC, or has Brooklyn Lager been checked and failed?

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