Reply To: Shidduch crisis by Chasidim?

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduch crisis by Chasidim? Reply To: Shidduch crisis by Chasidim?


If you contend that there isn’t a problem of a disparity between males and females in shidduchim, simply state your position please. (And provide the same proof you insist upon, if any, for those with the opposite opinion.) If you agree there may be such a disparity, but are uncertain, so state.

If there is a disparity then the ramifications are bad, all will likely agree. As such, if you are uncertain, why would you knock down those trying to alleviate what you’ll agree may be a big problem? Should those potentially suffering continue to suffer due to your uncertainty? Should the issue be swept under the rug and those pointing it out shouted down because of a lack of (cost prohibitive and likely impractical) formal studies?

There are also no scientific or formal studies of any alleged domestic or child abuse problem in the Orthodox community. Should we, too, be dismissive of it?