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“I’ll wait with anticipation for one of our posters like CTLaw or CharlieHall to come in and say that illegals should be granted amnesty even if they don’t speak English, but for Chassidim not to speak English it’s a huge problem and chillul Hashem.”

I have no idea why you would think I’d link amnesty for those who entered the USA illegally and being able to speak English.
#1 I am NOT in favor of blanket amnesty for those here illegally. I am in favor of those who have sought asylum to have their cases adjudicated before summarily being deported.
#2 I am of the belief that all permanently residing in mainland USA have a working command of the English language for safety reasons. That Hasid in Boro Park may be able to function in his community, but in a time of emergency he should be able to communicate with government emergency personnel. The same goes for those who speak other languages.
#3 We have the unusual situation with Puerto Ricans. They are American citizens who learn and function in Spanish in the public schools on the island. BUT, when they come to live permanently on the mainland they should become proficient in English for the same safety reasons.

Tomorrow, I am appearing in Juvenile Court. It is a pro bono case where I am representing a child born here to Haitian Parents. It is the third attempt to try the case. The first two times the court arranged for French translators (since that is the official language of Haiti.). BUT the parents don’t speak French, they speak an island creole….a mic of French, African and Spanish. It has taken 3 months to get a translator certified by the courts for the dialect, and the child has languished in foster care.
The parents have been here since 1981 on emergency visas and have had more than ample time to learn English.

I may be liberal compared to most in the CR, but that doesn’t mean i’m far left wing.

As for Charlie Hall, I haven’t seen him post here of elsewhere in about 8 months. I hope he is well.