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Meah Shearim Graffiti Against Chareidi Mayoral Candidate Deutsch has Begun

It comes as no surprise as extremists in Meah Shearim are out in the streets, busy at work ahead of the Jerusalem mayoral elections. However, they are not campaigning, but instead spraying the walls with graffiti against the campaign of the lone chareidi candidate, Deputy Mayor Yossi Deutsch of Agudas Yisrael, who officially announced entering the race last week.

Graffiti includes, “Yossi Deutsch = a fallen chossid” and “Chardak Get Out”.

Deutsch was attacked a number of times this past Shabbos as he made his way from his home to the Slonim Beis Medrash. He was not injured.

For some of the zealots living in that area, this too is not sufficient, as they tore down Egged bus ads for mayoral candidate Rachel Azariya, objecting to the picture of a woman on buses. A number of suspects are in custody in that case, awaiting criminal indictments against them.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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