Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary? Reply To: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary?

🍫Syag Lchochma

It sounds like you.may not have read my response. I said many rebbes DO have training, and i said that kollel is NOT a prerequisite and nobody said it was, yet it keeps getting brought up as a poor indicator of a good teacher.

Here’s where i think the kollel piece is confusing people, just my thoughts. People are not in kollel instead of having other professional talents, they are in kollel despite having other professional talents. They choose to learn full time because that is within their reach. When they leave kollel, they are not like dentists suddenly looking for a career in real estate, they are individuals with talents or propensities for certain fields who just finished feeding their spiritual side for a time. Whether or not their interests can be converted to a parnassah or not is its own issue, but a seperate one.

Additionally, when someone builds a home while learning full time, it is not hard to understand a desire to stay in a Torah world when leaving kollel. If he then gets hired and is unqualified, that is on the hiring committee, not the kollel.