Reply To: Does the name “Lashon haKodesh” imply that it is the only holy language?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Does the name “Lashon haKodesh” imply that it is the only holy language? Reply To: Does the name “Lashon haKodesh” imply that it is the only holy language?


yes! the ONLY holy language.
The insertion of some Aramaic does not make the LANGUAGE holy, only the particular insertion is holy because it is part of the holy Torah. So too the Sefer of Daniel is holy because it is part of Tanach, but not that the language per se becomes holy. I believe that years ago I was told that in Yirmiyahu there is a Babylonian word
inserted somewhere. If true, does that make Babylonian holy??????
Yiddish is our special adopted language – I hope it never dies out amongst our people – I speak it fairly fluently – but it cannot be called HOLY in the same sense as LASHON KODESH!! Just like an adopted child is not called the zera of his new parents, even if they call him “our son.”