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Jackk -“Obama is clearly not a Muslim and clearly was born in Hawaii.”

He might be Not a muslim, but he likes them over Jews!
This is a fact – how he treated Israel & he’s friends with the Nation of Islam.

From The Guardian: A muslim writer says – A third of Americans thought Obama was a Muslim.
As far as born in the US – I doubt it! This is where the left pulled the wool over American eyes!
From PolitiFact:
“When we contacted Trump’s organization, Michael Cohen, his political aide, referred us to Jerome R. Corsi, author of The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, which makes a case against Obama, calling him a political extremist who associates with radicals and has disturbing connections to Islam. (PolitiFact found the book was riddled with errors). In a brief telephone interview with PolitiFact, Corsi said he has spoken to Trump and that the statement about Obama’s grandmother was, in fact, based on her taped conversation with McRae. Corsi pointed us toward an article he wrote for the conservative WorldNetDaily, in which he says that he spoke to two unnamed Kenyans familiar with Sarah Obama’s dialect, and that they claimed she was clear in saying that she witnessed Obama’s birth in Kenya. Futhermore, Corsi said they told him it appeared her later efforts to recant appeared to be heavily coached by those around her. Corsi has a book questioning Obama’s birthplace coming out next month.”