The Rocky Mountain Collegian student newspaper at Colorado State University in Fort Collins heaped kudos on the Chabad Jewish Student Center serving the school for succeeding in its months-long effort to kosher a kitchen in the main dining hall.
After arduous negotiations with the dining services department of the Lory Student Center, Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik, co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Northern Colorado and administrator of the Jewish student center, took several days last week to convert the kitchen to kosher-only use. The action made possible its largest-ever Shabbos student gathering with an attendance of 110.
Gorelik said that while the kitchen has since reverted to non-kosher use, he’s hoping to make special arrangements for Pesach next month.
2 Responses
I hope they serve cholent. It gets cold in Ft. Collins in the winter. (:-)
Keep spreading the light of Yiddishkeit and Shabbos Kodesh…!