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Steering Committee to Address Share the Burden Issue as Coalition Forms

It is being confirmed that a joint steering committee involving Likud/Beitenu and Yesh Atid is being formed to find an acceptable solution to the share the burden issue as efforts are underway to form a coalition government. The formation of the committee is the result of the gap that exists between the Likud and Yesh Atid plan, or more accurately between the Ya’alon plan and the Yair Lapid plan.

Both sides realize that the difference in their plans makes agreement untenable at present, compelling the formation of the committee to reaching a mutually agreeable compromise. Likud is aware that if the Lapid plan is implemented, it will eliminate any chance of bringing chareidi parties on board the coalition. Lapid on the other hand has stated that the share the burden is a “deal breaker”, adding the Ya’alon plan is unacceptable and if his plan is not adopted, Yesh Atid would be willing to remain in the opposition.

With the formation of the committee Yesh Atid officials announced that this does not signal the party has agreed to become a part of the new coalition government.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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