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Levaya Of Rebbitzen Rishel Krawiec A”H

candle74.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Rishel Krawiec A”H (Kravitz) the Almana of Rav Mendel Krawiec ZATZAL – Rosh Yeshiva of RJJ for many years. She was the mother-in-law of Rav Hillel David Shlita noted in Posek in Flatbush. The Levaya is scheduled to take place today at 1:00PM, in Shomrei Hachomos Chapels (Ft Hamilton Parkway) in Boro Park.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

9 Responses

  1. baruch dayan haemes…She must have been a special women to raise and merit such a daughter like Rebetzin David.

  2. #1; Rebbetzin David is the daughter of R’ Yitzchak Hutner (previous Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin) and her husband is a Rosh Yeshiva in Yerushalayim not Flatbush. Perhaps this is a different R’ Hillel David, or a mistake.
    Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

  3. Reb Yonoson David Shlit”a is the R”Y in Pachad Yitzchock, Reb Hillel Shlit”a is the husband of the daughter of the late Reb Mendel Krawiec ZT”L and a Rov in Flatbush

  4. Boruch Dayan Ha’Emes. Tolose 2 great Noshim Tzidkoniyos in one day, rebbetzin Krawiec and Rebbetzin Kaplan is a big blow. Our generation obviously needed a big Kapara if Hashem took 2 pure Neshomos to be mechaper onthe dor in one day.

    My fellow Yidden, We must be mechazek in Emunah, Bitachon, Tefillah, Tznius and become better Yidden in general. We must stop emulating the Goyim,and start living our lives in the footsteps of true Yidden such as these two rebbetzins and their husbands.

    Moshiach is coming shortly, don’t we want to be amongst those that get to go along with him?!

  5. Rav Hillel and Rav Yonason (Rosh Yeshiva Pachad Yitzchok/Chaim Berlin and married to Rav Yitzchok Hutners daughter) ae brothers.

    Both are Gedolei Yisroel.

  6. our family knew rav and rebbitzen krawiecz for many years. we were mispallelim in their shul in seagate and became life long friends.
    in their unassuming way they spread torah and yiddishkeit throughout seagate and coney island in the days when there was barely a minyan of frum men living in the vicinity.
    they helped the poor although they did not have much themselves and welcomed each and every shul member into their modest apartment as if they were family.
    those of us who were zoche to know them well know what a loss the rebbitzen’s petira is to klal yisroel. hamakom yinachem eschem b’soch sha’arei avelie tzion…

  7. No one mentioned Rebetzin Krawiec’s son Rav Aharon now residing in Lakewood and previously in Midwood who is a phenominal talmid chacham having the abilty to spontaneously discuss any subject and answer any question “bechol ha-torah kula”.
    He is surely a “nachas ruach” to his mother a”h in gan eden as well as to his illustrious father Rav Mendel z”l.

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