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President’s Staff Critical of Netanyahu’s Bold Assumption

Perhaps there is a surprise waiting down the road as a voice was heard from the President’s Residence, a voice of disapproval against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. It appears officials on the president’s staff are wondering how Mr. Netanyahu made the assumption that he will assemble the next coalition when President Peres has not yet met with party leaders or given the mandate.

Mr. Peres has recently used a number of opportunities to undermine the policies of the outgoing administration despite the fact the Israeli president is expected to remain political neutral, especially in regard to the outgoing administration’s statements on the Iranian nuclear threat. This shows the clearly his disdain for the prime minister, a long time political nemesis.

Once again, despite the fact that the second place party has 12 fewer seats than the leading party, in this case Likud, there is a voice of discontent from the presidential staff, seizing another opportunity to undermine the prime minister, abusing the presidential powers to compromise the prime minister’s standing in the media’s eye.

Mr. Peres is attending an economic summit in Davos, Switzerland and he is expected to begin talks with party leaders on Sunday, 16 Shevat 5773 following his return to Israel.

To further drive the message, home, the president reportedly received an expert legal opinion from his top legal advisor, attorney Edit Korenaldi, who told him the largest party does not necessarily have to receive the mandate, Maariv reports.

Interestingly, a number of veteran MKs from the left and right side of the political map were questioned regarding the mandate. They pointed out that the heads of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th parties, Shelly Yacimovich, Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett respectively, clearly lack the experience to become prime minister and it is clear that the only realistic candidate is Mr. Netanyahu.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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