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Israel: Who Will be the Next Foreign Minister?

Speaking with Israel Radio on Thursday 13 Shevat 5773, Yisrael Beitenu leader MK Avigdor Lieberman discussed pertinent issues pertaining to the building of a coalition government. Lieberman acknowledged the Likud/Beitenu drop in ranking, but played it down, stating “There is no reason for panic.”

“I told Israel Radio before the elections that I see myself as a candidate for one of the three senior cabinet posts, with a preference for the foreign ministry. I foresee that portfolio remaining in Yisrael Beitenu hands as the number two slot in the joint list. We have not yet entered into coalition talks. In the first phase there is a great deal of talk followed by a great deal of talk and only then does the tachlis begin.”

Lieberman stated that while he would like the foreign ministry post again, he admitted it is not etched in stone.

Lieberman was recently indicted on fraud charges, compelling he step down from the senior cabinet post. There is speculation that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will hold the slot for Lieberman pending the outcome of his trial, or alternatively, give the senior post to another candidate from Lieberman’s party, who rotate with him if and when he is acquitted in the case.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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