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PEACE PRIZE DONALD: Norwegian Lawmakers Nominate Trump For Nobel Prize

Two Norwegian lawmakers have nominated President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after the Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde and Per-Willy Amundsen, lawmakers with the populist Progress Party, told Norwegian news agency NTB on Wednesday that Trump “had taken a huge and important step in the direction of the disarmament, peace and reconciliation between North and South Korea.”

A group of U.S. lawmakers also are backing Trump’s nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

The process of considering candidates and awarding the Nobel Peace Prize is done in Norway. Nominations must be sent to the Norwegian Nobel Committee before Feb. 1. The committee doesn’t publicly comment on who was nominated, information which is required to be kept secret for 50 years.


One Response

  1. In other news, liberals heads all over the country spontaneously exploded.

    Unfortunately the contents inside their heads polluted the atmosphere . Since this is bad for the environment, liberals immediately blamed Trump for the ensuing environmental disaster.

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