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Dati Leumi Yeshivot Ketanot

There is a new and apparently growing concept in the dati leumi community, yeshivot ketanot leumiyot. According to a Ladaat report, of late, the Igud Yeshivot opened five yeshivot to serve 300 talmidim from the dati leumi torani community.

The new yeshivot are intended for youths of high school age, about to acquire the skills and maturity to undertake a more serious approach to their observance of Torah and Mitzvot.

These yeshivot will only study limudei kodesh while offering an intense crash course to permit students wishing to, to earn a matriculation diploma. The organizers want to accommodate those students who seek a matriculation diploma as well as permitting an atmosphere free of secular concerns, to permit talmidim to become totally imbibed in their limud Torah and deepening their Yiras Hashem.

These yeshivot are not for those members of that tzibur wishing to be rabbonim in the future, but for those who wish to dedicate a number of years to improving their Torah learning skills and Yiras Shomayim.

There is one yeshiva in Maale Chever, two in Yerushalayim, as well as in Shalavim and Yad Binyamin.

The force behind these new yeshivot is Rav Moshe Bleicher Shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Shavei Chevron. He launched the new yeshiva union and pushed to get the yeshivot up and running, working with Rav Nachum Neria Shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Torah M’Tzion and a son of the late HaGaon HaRav Moshe Tzvi Neria ZT”L.

The first kinos of the talmidim of these yeshivot is scheduled for Rosh Chodesh Adar in Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. nice writing! it is huge the power they have! but i hope
    these yeshivot encourage activities of kiruv every person needs to
    reach out and spread light! great news item!

  2. *sigh* Slide to the right all you want Dati Leumi’s…the Charedi community will still never accept you. No matter how much you try to be like them.

  3. This report almost makes it sound as if we are talking about kiruv institutions, which is completely inaccurate. These yeshivos are not for kiruv, they are just yeshivos. The difference between them and other premier dati-leumi yeshiva highs schools (such as Yeshiva Le-tzeirim Yerushalayim, the high school of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav) is that instead of having limited secular study, they have none. Also, this concept is not so “new” in the dati-leumi world, but has existed for a number of years.

  4. This has nothing to do with “trying to be like charedim” nor trying to be accepted by anyone. This is very simply another manifestation of a millennium old educational question: Torah only or Torah and secular studies.

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