Reply To: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim

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Ayeshivishguy: Repetition is good, especially repetition of Torah.
I hope to trigger a consciousness in Jews that the EV Song contest should not be in Israel and that we should not participate. I hope you are no longer confused. Hillul shabbos seems to be on your mind, so please don’t be confused, do something to stop it.
If I have so much tzures convincing Jews about the EV Song contest, what is the actual point of this Coffee room, just to waste time and to receive hopeless irrelevant comments (trolls)?
What is the POINT!!!!!?????
Also, do not think I have done nothing else about the EV Song contest, why would you assume I have done nothing else?
The sincerity of the participants in the Coffee room is in doubt, that is for sure.