Reply To: chedarim in Ramot and givat zeev?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel chedarim in Ramot and givat zeev? Reply To: chedarim in Ramot and givat zeev?


Not necessarily, Nechomah. There are chadarim, albeit on the far end of the chariedi spectrum, that give more extensive/solid limudei chol. I don’t know about givat zev or ramot, but where I live there are many types of chadarim. There are a couple where it is not unusual for the boys to go on to a Yeshiva Ketana like Maarava or Nehorah where Bagriyot are an option. I have heard of a similar cheder in Har Nof. While some would not consider these “real” chadarim by Israeli standards, for a chutznik/new oleh, they may be very much what they are used to and want for their kids.