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Bayit Yehudi Gives PM Netanyahu An Ultimatum Regarding Legislation Seeking To Limit High Court Authority

The Bayit Yehudi party remains committed to a bill that would limit the authority of the Supreme Court when it comes to the court disqualifying Knesset legislation. The party has informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that if the bill is not advanced, the party will no longer support the coalition in votes in Knesset.

The Knesset faction of the party discussed the matter and decided if the coalition does not advance the bill, one that would become a part of the Basic Law, the party would no longer support the coalition. The bill backed by Bayit Yehudi would empower Knesset to overturn a High Court ruling with a simply majority of 61. The deadline set for the start of Bayit Yehudi coalition sanctions is May 6th, 21 Iyar. Party leader Naftali Bennet has explained that in recent years, the Supreme Court has invalidated some twenty laws passed in Knesset and the situation is absurd. The current reality of requiring 120 votes to override the court is not realistic, and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit suggests amending the Bayit Yehudi version to a 70-vote majority.

On the other side, coalition partner Kulanu headed by Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, which has ten seats, remains adamantly opposed to the legislation. Bennet however insists this is a part of the coalition agreements and therefore, it must be passed.

Leading to the Bayit Yehudi threat was a request from High Court President Justice Esther Hayut earlier this week, calling on PM Netanyahu to delay moving ahead with the so-called Override Clause. She also asked Justice Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Ayelet Shaked to prevent the Ministerial Legislative Committee from advancing it. Mr. Netanyahu responded favorably to the request, indicating he will hold it back and it will not appear on the agenda, hence the Bayit Yehudi threat of boycotting the coalition with its eight seats.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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