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Nevile, see #1509152 where u questioned normative halacha which holds it’s derabanan.

The difference between deoreisas and derabannans are significant in the sense that sfeikos are treated very differently. Further, being that the intent of the derabanan is as a gezeira of knas, it is possible that the gezeira has special rules of application.

The application of knowledge of a large, possibly jewish, regional distributor, who owns, or may own, a chometz mixture on pesach, to a blanket issur on most beer brands in all stores in said region, requires a number of factual assumptions.

The fact that it’s a derabbanan means that I may not have to engage in all those assumptions.

I’m not sure what the crc said, precisely. I did listen to an employee of the star-k speak about this on a podcast. He was careful to limit Rav Heineman’s extreme carefulness regarding mechiras chometz to venues under the star-k hashgacha. I respect that part of what he said.

Bottom line: despite your continued rhetoric, and calling this “beer shel hetter” “chometz shel issur,” I believe that:

1. Halacha as I understand it states that all beer in the tristate area is muttar lechatchila

2. You haven’t come close to persuading me otherwise.

3. A Kashrus agency’s job is to ensure that items it certifies are kosher. If it fails at that job, it becomes disreputable. If it has extracurricular activities outside it’s job, it carries the risk of becoming a joke. I hope that the agencies involved in this learned some kind of lesson.

4. the folks putting up kol korehs and investigating the yichus of distributors, will, in my opinion, be held accountable upstairs, for being machshil and matriach the masses.

5. If you have a local liquor store, owned by a Jewish person, open on pesach, you should not buy alcohol there until most of the stock of the brand you are purchasing has been replaced. even then, it might be better to buy elsewhere. This is what halacha says. applying this halacha to distributors requires a levelheaded and halachic approach. the folks making noises, are, in my opinion, not using a levelheaded and halachic approach.

have a good shabbos! l’chaim!