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Donate to a Unique Project by Year’s End and Receive Unique Gifts

[Communicated Content] As the fiscal year draws to a close, many companies and individuals look for a worthy cause that can benefit from their tax-deductible donations.

Hasefer – The Jewish Literary Foundation is looking for sponsors to help complete a monumental work: the translation of the sefer Chafetz Chaim al Hatorah into English. This sefer, which was first published in 1943 and has been reprinted dozens of times, has become a classic source of inspiration, divrei Torah, stories and anecdotes, and the pure hashkafah of the holy Chafetz Chaim zt”l.

Now, for the first time, it is being made available in English for the broader public. Volume I on Bereishis-Shemos has already been published, and Volume II on Vayikra-Bamidbar-Devarim and Ma’amarim/Letters is about to go to print. Donors of $18 or more will receive new and unique gifts related to the Chafetz Chaim, and page/parshah dedications are available as well. Click here for more information.

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