Reply To: climate change

Home Forums Wonders of Creation climate change Reply To: climate change

Avram in MD

Little Froggie,

“You totally missed my point. When some bright scientist can claim that some oxyhyperflorurobihydronation in the hypershpheric region of the iosphere causes our weather to get hotter, and then tomorrow claim that the oxyhyperflorurobihydronation in the hypershpheric region of the iosphere causes out weather to get cooler and then claim that oxyhyperflorurobihydronation in the hypershpheric region of the iosphere causes out WEATHER TO CHANGE!!! is when we need to get a hard look at our UNBIASED, HONEST scientists!!!”

The problem with your point is that you are completely making it up. Not just the fake science words, but the notion that climatologists have flip-flopped. This notion came from some magazine in the 1970s that was likely responding to the fact that particulates – dirty stuff that gets put into the air – causes less sunlight to reach the ground. This is totally unrelated to carbon dioxide (CO2 – CO is carbon monoxide), water vapor, etc. acting as greenhouse gasses. Particulate pollution has dropped quite a bit over the U.S. and Europe during the past few decades (your mommy dealt with a lot more smog than you do), but CO2 continues to increase.

Presidential candidates aren’t the only ones who have to deal with inaccurate, sensationalized media. Ask your doctor how many times he’s rolled his eyes over some crazy medical claim made in a magazine based on research the author didn’t understand.