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Thursday News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael


The High Court of Justice convened to rule on the appeal of MK Hanin Zoabi. The Arab MK was disqualified from running for Knesset by the Central Election Committee and the court heard the appeal. The court stated its response would be issued by December 30, 2012.


Rock attacks in the el-Aroub area in the Gush Etzion district. Damage reported. No injuries.


Rock attacks in the Chawarah area south of Shechem. Damage reported. No injuries.


Rock attacks in the Gush Shilo area of Shomron near the Arab village of Turmus Aiya. No injuries reported.


Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, who chairs the Central Election Committee, rejected a request from Rabbi Chaim Amsellem to act against Shas civil servants involved in the party’s election campaign.


Shots were fired earlier this morning at a male walking on Admor M’Belz Street in Bnei Brak. He was unharmed. He ran for cover and waited for police to arrive.


The High Court of Justice on Wednesday rejected a petition from the Council of Presidents of Israeli Universities seeking to prevent Ariel College from receiving university status. The court ruled in line with the state’s response, that the petition was premature since the decision to change the college’s status has yet to be implemented.


PM Netanyahu on Wednesday met with leaders of communities in Yehuda and Shomron to enlist their support. The prime minister fears too many residents of yishuvim will vote for Shas or HaBayit HaYehudi.


Israel Electric Company Executive Director Yiftach Ron-Tal told the Knesset Finance Committee on Wednesday that as part of the Israel Electric Company reform plan, employees of the utility company will no longer receive free electricity beginning in 2013. In addition, 40% of the nation’s electric needs will be handed over to private companies to end Israel Electric’s long-standing monopoly.


Bituach Leumi employees holding a one-day warning strike today.


Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announces the indictment that will be handed down against Avigdor Lieberman will be more severe than originally believed. Lieberman announced “I did not break any laws”.


Rock-throwing attacks in the Gush Etzion district near el-Aroub. No injuries. Damage reported.


Rock-throwing attacks in Shomron north of Yishuv Eli. No injuries. Authorities apprehended two suspects.


Rock-throwing attacks against Israeli motorists in Shomron near N’vei Tzuf. There are no reports of injuries.


Rocks and a pipe bomb were hurled at Kever Rachel. It appears the bomb exploded in an area under PA (Palestinian Authority) control. B’chasdei Hashem there are no reports of injuries.


The prosecution’s office announced the indictment against Avigdor Lieberman will be filed on Sunday, 17 Teves 5773.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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