Reply To: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal”

Home Forums Kashruth Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” Reply To: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal”

Avi K

1. Actually “Happy Holidays” started as a compromise. At first banks only offered Xmas clubs. then they also offered Chanuka clubs. then Kwanzaa was invented and they threw up their hands.
2. Actually some Moslems claim that they are the real Hebrews. They say that Yishmael was Ibrahim’s heir.

Midwest, many young Moslems consult “Sheik Google”. There are also “Ask the Imam” sites.

Milhouse, who says that Ashkenazim can only hold by Ashkenazi rabanim? If there is no question of the Mechaber vs. the Rema there is no reason why an Ashkenazi can’t rely on Rav Ovadia, for example. To make matters more complicated, sometimes the Gra rules like the Mechaber against the Rema. For example, the Gra says not to put on tefillin during Chol haMoed and to have Birkat Cohanim every day (interestingly, in northern Israel they do not but do do it during Shabbat Musaf).