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More Extremism & Vandalism in Meah Shearim

When the gabbai of the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita arrived at the Chrysler van used to drive the rebbe to minyan on Wednesday morning 13 Teves 5773, he was alarmed to see the left tires were slashed in an apparent vandalism attack, קו החשיפות reports.

Another vehicle was found for the rebbe as they did not have two spare tires and the rebbe was taken to shachris, which he davens together with talmidim.

The report states that vandals, known as ‘sikrikim’, are believed responsible for the attack, which appears to be another chapter in the ongoing internal conflict in the Eida Chareidis. Persons in the chassidus are quoted explaining the punctures were from “large nails and it was obvious the flats were not accidental. This represents a red line, an affront to the rebbe.”

“Other sources” are quoted as saying that things are relatively quiet now so it is unlikely that someone would decide davka to act against the rebbe. It is entirely possible that the flats were a matter of coincidence.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “…It is entirely possible that the flats were a matter of coincidence”…

    Azoy….just a coincidence that two tires on the rebbe’s limo had flats simultaneously. Why are they surprised….when the rebbe’s own followers are so frequently engaged in rock throwing and screaming demonstrations against everything from chillul shabbos and tzinus transgressions, the same vandalism and disgusting behavior comes back to haunt them.

  2. On his second visit to EY the divre yoel of satmar said “last time I was here, the yerushalmi boys seemed so cute I wanted to ‘eat them up’ now I’m back and see them grown I regret I didn’t….” Hamevin yavin

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