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Kadima Wins Partial Victory in Campaign Dispute With Chareidim

The Kadima Party turned to Central Election Committee Chairman High Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein insisting that claims by chareidim that the party’s ad campaign on buses is anti-chareidi and anti-Semitic are baseless.

Kadima feel the facts as the campaign presents them are indeed accurate and not anti-chareidi, despite Rav Eichler’s decision to take offense, insisting it would be incorrect to disqualify the campaign.

The Dan Bus Company on Wednesday morning 13 Teves 5773 announced it is reversing its decision and it will display Kadima ads that say “Pay soldiers the same as avreichim”. The Egged Bus Company is yet to comment.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. But avreichim (married students) typically after the basic period studying in yeshiva at conscript age get much less than soldiers. Experience married soldiers get middle class salaries (remember, by the time they are married with a family, they are usually in sherut keva – professional services).

    If they compare 18 year old conscripts with 18 year old yeshiva students, the soldiers are better paid – in fact, they are paid beyond room and board which is not true of their yeshiva counterparts.

    And while they are at it, they should compare teachers(what an avreich turns into) to officers (or senior non-commissioned officers, though in Israel the line if fuzzier than the USA). Again, the army pays better – a lot better.

    The truth is, if you want to optimize your income – join the army. Or to put it another way, the yeshiva students are clearly being mesiras nefesh with their parnassah for the sake of learning Torah, and defending Klal Yisrael from the certain destruction that would result without Torah.

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