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Former IDF Chief Concerned Over Waning International Support for Israel

Former Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General (reserves) Amos Yadlin addressed the Kalkalist Conference in Tel Aviv this week, speaking of the stalled diplomatic process between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). He told the participants of the economic conference that it is time for Israel “To take its destiny into its own hands”, referring to the need to act towards the implementation of the so-called two-state solution regardless of the PA’s response.

Yadlin’s primary concerns surround what he feels is waning international support for Israel, which he believes is due to the failure of the sides to advance the Oslo process which is expected to lead to the establishment of the State of Palestine, a demilitarized PA state within Israel’s borders.

For Yadlin, he is not just concerned over diminished popularity, but he warns “Israel will be wiped out” if the two-state solution is not implemented. He feels the PA has listened carefully to Israeli leaders and has learned to sit and wait, simply to avoid making peace with Israel. He suggests moving ahead with the Clinton proposal, which will most likely be rejected by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) but at least the move will gain Israel points in the international arena.

Turning to the Iranian nuclear threat, he was full of words of praise for the White House’s attempt at dialogue with Tehran, explaining that ultimately, if the talks delay the nuclear program by a half year, this would represent an important achievement. He believes Israel should observe the American effort and the results of that effort could signal Israel regarding the success or failure of seeking to enter into dialogue with Iran.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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