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Serious Injuries in Herzliya Mall Fire

20:40 IL: At least three people were reported in critical condition earlier Wednesday, the eve of 14 Teves 5773, the result of a fire in the Arena Mall in Herzliya earlier this evening. The mall is located near the marina.

When the first EMS crews arrived on the ground floor, they found two women and a man in his 40s in critical condition and resuscitation efforts began. There are conflicting reports but it appears there were additional people in serious condition and an unspecified number with less serious injuries.

Firefighters from a number of areas were called in immediately after realizing the severity of the blaze and the potential for catastrophe. EMS units responded from Magen David Adom, Hatzalah Gush Dan and United (Ichud) Hatzalah. It appears some of the victims were trapped inside and there was a delay in EMS personnel reaching them.

The cause of the fire is under investigation. Arson is suspected.


Officials in Ichilov Hospital report a 40-year-old male who was in cardiac arrest at the scene of the mall fire earlier this evening has died of his injuries. Two other victims, both female, remain in serious/critical condition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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