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Porush: Netanyahu Has Joined the Anti-Chareidim

In the Tuesday night the eve of 13 Teves 5773 Jerusalem Convention Center election campaign launch event, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated “Don’t make the mistake of voting for sectoral parties that weaken Israel.”

HaMevaser, in its front page report states the prime minister “opened with his frightening address to counter the polls which are not merciful in their reports, showing that Likud/Beitenu is losing to those very same sectoral parties.

Mr. Netanyahu told supporters “The bigger the joint Likud/Beitenu list is, the less we will have to rely upon sectoral parties, permitting us to achieve more on behalf of the residents of Israel.”

HaMevaser reports the prime minister then turned to the share the burden and the yeshiva world issues to boost his campaign. Mr. Netanyahu stated the work and service burdens are not being shared equally, citing a need for responsible change towards equality. He stressed that the larger his party emerges from the elections the greater the likelihood it can lead in implementing reforms in many areas, including housing, the system of government, and of course sharing the burden.

Agudas Yisrael’s Meir Porush feels “Netanyahu has joined the camp of the inciters against the chareidim. He forgot who placed him in power the first time, in תשנ”ו, and who handed him the thrown in this administration without compelling a rotation with Tzipi Livni.”

Porush adds that with this realization, he and his supporters are aware they must fight with all their might and the larger the chareidim emerge from the elections; the more power they will wield towards implementing change.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The word is “throne”, not “thrown”.
    Please, make a kiddush Hashem and try to show the world we are the educated people they think we are.
    THRONE … not thrown!

  2. “and the larger the chareidim emerge from the elections; the more power they will wield towards implementing change.”

    Read – the more power they will have to hold their breath and stomp on the ground like petulant children while threatening to riot unless they get free money.

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