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Foreign Forces Standing By in Expectation of Syrian Leader’s Collapse

Russian military experts continue to grant assistance to Syria, with reports stating Damascus has significantly beefed up its anti-aircraft abilities since the bombing of its nuclear facility in 2007. Israel was blamed for that attack despite the fact Jerusalem has never formally accepted responsibility.

According to a Guardian report, Syria’s anti-aircraft abilities today have reached an impressive level, one that even has the Russian experts surprised.

According to the report, Russian experts are manning some of Syria’s more advanced anti-aircraft units, “a move that would significantly complicate any US-led intervention in the future.”

The Guardian explains that as a result of Syria’s new capabilities, “any attempt to enforce the no-fly zone or impose punitive measures would be costly, protracted and risky.”

A German weekly adds that Western military forces are already in position on the border between Jordan and Syria waiting for the fall of President Bashar al-Assad. Focus reports that French and American troops are waiting to act in the event Assad’s regime tumbles, fearing the future of that country’s large stockpiles of chemical weaponry. The report states the US force includes soldiers from the elite Delta Force unit and France has sent members of its elite Foreign Legion.

German reports also state that IDF forces from the elite Sayeret Matkal unit are operating in Syria, Walla News reports.

Events in Syria are escalating at a frightening pace as many people were killed by the Syrian air force on Sunday 10 Teves 5773, which targeted militia and civilian areas. Dozens of people were killed in one attack at a bakery as people stood in a line waiting for fresh bread. It was labeled as one of the deadliest air strikes since the civil war began in Syria some 21 months ago. An estimated 44,000 people have been killed since the civil war began.

Foreign media reports on Monday state government forces have begun using “a yellow colored gas” against rebel forces, reporting fatalities as a result. Al-Jazeera reports that rebel forces in the Al-Bayada area of Homs have claimed to have been targeted with a poisonous gas. Al-Jazeera also aired a video showing a man receiving respiratory assistance after a nerve gas attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Where are the pictures of crying women oh i forgot they only show those when they need to mainsulate public opinion against Israel

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