Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

Neville ChaimBerlin

Joseph: He seems to be working off the assumption that all Baalei Teshuva and Geirim refrain from wrapping tefillin on Chol Hamoed. I think this has come up in the CR before. It is totally mythical; I have no idea where the idea originated. There is no such thing as a specific mesora for non-FFB’s. A better question would be, do minhag haGra folks have to wrap tefillin in KAJ to not be over on lo tisgodedu?

By the way, guys, when I said people only want to talk about chumrahs, I was actually deviating from the OP of this thread as I thought that’s where Gadol was going. I did not mean to refer to either tefillin minhag as a “chumrah.”