Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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“in all your arichus i didnt see any answer l’inyan.”

Answered what?

The only question you asked was:
“And why is it relevant that there is an old avoda zara that they once gave hair too?”

I see I have to spell it out clear. Lets go back:

You stated – “it is still tikrovos avoda zara, since korbonas are exactly the same, as it says countless times in tanach, וירמיה (ז, כב) אמר “כי לא דברתי את אבותיכם ולא ציוויתים ביום הוציאי אותם מארץ מצרים על דברי עולה וזבח].”

I answered –

“NOTE: The concept of Hair offering is not new. See below link by haGoani Rav Y Soloveitchik:)

Even according to Rav Dunner if the above is the case it is fine, and I do recall that Rav Elyashiv and Rav SZ had originally mattir it (as recorded in his Teshuvos) based on the above facts”

If you would bother clicking on the link, you will see It is clear from the above Rishonim quoted by Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik Shlita that it is NOT like ‘Shviras Makol’ etc and is thus not Takrvos A”Z, so whatever you are comparing it to Karbanos is totally off from all aspects.

Vayin Kan Mekomo leHarich…