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Gafne: We May Have to Prohibit Reporting to Induction Centers

MK (Yahadut HaTorah) MK Rav Moshe Gafne is aware that the IDF has won round one in the battle to enlist talmidim and avreichim into the IDF as thousands are being called for compulsory military service in the coming months.

Without the Tal Law to give legal backing to talmidim and avreichim who occupy the benches of the yeshivos around Eretz Yisrael, the draft eligible talmidim will continue to receive call-up notices from the IDF, compelling the recipients to report to an induction center in their city of residence.

Yated Ne’eman reports there are rabbonim who feel the presence of talmidim in induction centers for hours at a time contributes to the destruction of their moral fiber, exposing them to an environment that is most unwanted. Along these lines, Gafne is now planning to take his case to gedolei hador, for he feels the state is actively trying to convert the chareidi talmidim, to distance them from their lifestyle and Torah study. He is quoted in Yated as saying “If the current situation does not change immediately, I will recommend to gedolei yisrael to prohibit bochrim from reporting to induction centers.” Gafne stated a number of times in recent weeks that there cannot be and will not be compromise regarding the limud Torah and lifestyle of the chareidi tzibur.

Gafne plans to meet with a number of Defense Ministry officials later in the week to voice his grievances and concerns.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “the presence of talmidim in induction centers for hours at a time contributes to the destruction of their moral fiber, exposing them to an environment that is most unwanted”

    If being in an army office for a few hours is going to destroy a yeshiva bochurs moral fiber, then we are all in big trouble.
    It seems that some in the community are so fearful of outside influences, that they will go to any means to hide themselves in their own ghettos. Maybe its time to teach our young people how to get along with people not like us but at the same time to keep our own values.

  2. And this is from the moderate “Yahadut HaTorah” that sits in the Kenesset and devotes much of its energies towards getting money form the government. For them this is tremendous mesiras nefesh and an amazing kiddush ha-Shem. Who ever heard of an Israeli political party being ready to turn down government funding over a moral principle. I am assuming he does realize that once they start engaging in civil disobedience, government funding for yeshiovos supporting the civil disobedience will be cut off.

  3. To 1818, You have obviously never entered a “Misrad Hagiyus” /Recruitment Office (or any other Israeli government office for that matter) in your life if you can make such ignorant and baseless comments. They are full from wall to wall with repulsively dressed women, the bochurim are checked out by army doctors in the same room and at the same time as prospective girl recruits are getting examined. The israeli government along with the army do their utmost to try to overexpose our children to “outside influences”. And yes, maybe now you’ll realize just how destructive the israeli army system is that people will be moser nefesh to avoid it like the plague.

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