Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Home Forums Controversial Topics @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay


I believe you are correct that there is an element of “anti-chabad”. If I may, I’d like to explain why this element exists.
I am not chabad, but I have been connected to chabad and have chabad family and friends.
One thing that upsets people, is the feeling of “primacy” of chabad. You will hear people(mostly baalabatim) saying things like “everyone is chabad, they just don’t know it yet”, and “everyone wants to be chabad and are jealous of us”. Obviously, this upsets people out of chabad, making us feel like our drachim are being put down and rejected our of hand. And yes, this does exist by many other groups. However, when this combines with the other issues (that I hope to lay out) it gives people an automatic negative association of chabad.
The Moshiach thing is obviously another issue. Most non-chabad will believe that thinking the Rebbe ztz’l is Moshiach is at best stupid, and at worst kfira. Leading many people to suspect the average member of chabad of being a kofer(obviously, that is wrong.)
Another problem is the rabid members. The tzfatim, the lunatics who eat on fasts. While these are a minority of a minority, they get a lot of airtime and attention. And yes, almost every groups has it’s madmen, but the chabad madmen are twisting legitimate chabad philosophy into actual kfira(I once was told by an earnest flag-pin wearing tzfasnik, that as soon as we show the Rebbe we want it he will send Moshiach.)
And the final, and hardest to pin down point. At many of the tfillin donning stations, there are signs saying things like “the Rebbe said to put on tfillin”. Leading many of us to wonder -didn’t God say to put on tfillin? Isn’t that why we do it?
Now, everyone is mechanics in such a way, we tell children if they make a brocha their parents will be proud, when we should Ben focusing on God’s pride. But with Chabad, there isn’t already a vocal group that focuses more on the Rebbe than on God. This adds to the suspicion that all chabad thinks about is the Rebbe.

It isn’t a combination of these points(I believe) that leads people to automatically distrust Chabad with regards to religious matter. Add to that our different drochim, Andy people come across as hating you.

I hope this hasn’t at least helped to clear up for you the background from which many of the people attacking your theology are coming from.