Reply To: Parsheh of the Week Interpretation

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Reb Eliezer

The Ohr Hachaim in the beginning of Parshas Tetzaveh says that next redemption will come because of the zechus of Mosheh Rabbenu. Learning Torah lishmah will bring Moshiach. Could be that is why his name is not mentioned. The Gemora says that Haman did not know that Mosheh Rabbenu died on 7th of Ador and he was born on the 7th of Ador. That he died on 7th of Ador he knew? The simple explanation is died then because he was born then, but the Yaaros Dvash says that right away when he died he was reborn. We get the strength to be mechadesh from Mosheh Rabbenu. It could be his name is not mentioned because this strength is hidden.