Reply To: Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara? Reply To: Are Reiki and similar “therapies” consider Avizrayu D’avoda Zara?


Btw as a health care professional I often get requests from patients for alternative treatments. Usually the patient has specific requests and I weigh the request on its merits.
One recent conversation stands out in my mind.
The patient simply asked if there was an alternative medicine option without any specific knowledge. I pointed out how since she had no clue about anything on the subject I can simply make anything up and call it alternative and she would accept that. I suggested that an approach to medicine that simply accepts any non standard approach may not be the wisest approach to ones health. Considering she started the conversation by telling me her views on medicine including one gem where she told me she advised a relative who was about to start chemotherapy to forget it and just get vitamin c transfusions, I’m guessing she didn’t appreciate my logic. That could be why she didn’t come back for her traditional medicine appointment.