Reply To: Homeschooling


MIndful, you bring up some good points how homeschooling can benefit kids. Of course, not every parent is capable of teaching, with the knowledge, patience, creativity it involves, even with on-line support, so that would be a factor why it works for your family, but may not for other families.
You describe how your kids are better off because they don’t have pressure, stress or grades, etc. Also, they are not exposed to some of the bad behaviors and negative social interactions that can sometimes happen at school.
The thing is, that these things do happen in real life. At some point the home-schooled kid will join the workforce, and have to interact with co-workers. Some might not be so nice. There will be deadlines, and stress, and pressure, bosses to please and reward/punishment in terms of salary, bonuses, getting fired. They may have to work with a team and conform to company policy. Will kids who were educated in a stress-free bubble and be trained to be independent learners be able to handle this? Is there research out there on the success of home-school kids in the workplace? And how long does home-schooling continue- also for HS? Will these kids go to regular yeshivos/seminaries/colleges (if applicable) or study independently?