Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Home Forums Controversial Topics @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Avram in MD


I talk to my mother in law too, I talk to my boss too

On the telephone or in person I’m sure, not whispers in your heart while no other person is with you.

why are you so bothered by who people are talking to???

Because Chabadshlucha is part of my spiritual family, and I am alarmed by some of the things I have read. Her “I talk … directly to Hashem too” comment was specifically a follow-up to this:

“When we ask the Rebbe for help, were not asking him as a human. That would be wrong as we only ask Hashem for things like the Rambam says. Were asking Hashem, through his human messenger”

Whether you like it or not, the Rebbe was a human, and this statement is dangerously wrong. It is identical in every way shape and form to Christian theology, where J-man is claimed to be perfect (conquered his yetzer hara), a manifestation of G-d’s “word” on Earth (chas veshalom), and that, by praying to him, one is not praying to a human, but praying to G-d, “in J-man’s name.” 2000 years ago the Jews objected to this, and were denigrated as Pharisees obsessed with the “Law” and blind to the “Truth.” Now the term “Misnagdim” is hurled at the non-believers. Villains who act, not because they have genuine, deeply held beliefs, but because they hate and are jealous of the “true believers”, and seek to tear them down. 2000 years of bloodshed against the Jews arose from this type of accusation. Do we really want to walk down that road again?

Guess what? I don’t hate Chabad. I owe Chabad tremendous hakaras hatov, and have given sustained financial support. This thread has shaken me to the core.