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NC: So then why are you so outraged over a yeshiva wanting it’s students to wear white shirts if it is not a halachic issue? The yeshivos are not saying it is a halachic issue. People who don’t like there decision are trying to impute a halachic reason. It might be a hashkafic issue (and I agree that a white shirt really doesn’t prove anything). My only point is that if the yeshiva has a policy and you don’t like that policy you have every right not to enroll your child in that yeshiva. Some of my son’s attended yeshiva in Brooklyn; some not. If the yeshivos had a white shirt policy we adhered to it. I did not look for a yeshiva that only allowed white shirts. Nor is it a question that I ask shadchanim about potential sons-in-law.

BTW, I never made any comment on the term “leftern” so I have no idea what you are talking about.