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I’m a BT, like you. I’ve read all the books you mentioned in your earlier post.

My experience has been that the more Torah study and mitzvos I bring into my life, the less space and desire there is for non-essential secular activities. By Torah study, I’m including Talmud, halachos, etc.

So it’s not so much a matter of consciously excluding the secular. It seems to happen automatically.
I get it. It’s just that I can’t read the good Jewish books 24-7, 365, for 120 years. At some point my eyes and brain blur and I need something different. It’s not that I’m so drawn to say Huck Finn. Meam Loez is good. Mesillas Yesharim is good. (I’m reading The 19 letters now. Also good.) But for me, at some time I need something about a boy on a river (Huck Finn, not Moses).
Good Shabbos everyone!