Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Home Forums Controversial Topics @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay

Neville ChaimBerlin

” Please understand that just because this type of expression is not familiar to you from your MESORAH it does not mean it is not valid.”

So, in what mesorah is this stuff OK? Sphard? Teimani? Ashkenaz?

Do you get the crux of the argument here? Chabad is an invented mesoret. Lubavitchers all have ancestors that were Ashkenazim or Sphardim, etc. If we accept your principle, what’s to stop me from making up “Minhag Neville” that says it’s OK to worship me as a god? How are you going to argue with me? It’s my minhag! It goes all the way back to the beginning of the Neville movement!

One reason Chabad catches all of this flak vs. other Chassidim is that your chiddushim seem to have no basis in earlier generations (davening late, eating before davening, treating your rabbi as a demi-god, calling all other yidden haters, etc).