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I don’t know why girls always assume there needs to be a chavrusa involved, lol. Maybe because girls are social creatures, or it’s just mainstream to hear about chavrusas?

In any case, MalachOfCholent is correct, you need to be prouder of your accomplishments. Davka like I said, I’m looking for someone real and honest, and on some level a bochur like you interests me MORE than someone in full time learning, why?

Because I can see you made decisions. You are doing whatever you are doing because you truly want to, you are being emesdik to your true self, when someone tells me he is learning full time, I don’t know if he is doing is because he wants to and is really there, or because someone else is paying tuition and rent and he can get a good catch that way.

The right girl will appreciate the choices you have made, the middos you have, etc. Don’t worry about it, you only gotta marry one.

My parents aren’t going to support me at all, so just like you, it sounds kinda scary, because isn’t that what people look at? Money and yichus and prominent schools?

I’m also originally from OOT, and we don’t have money, frum family, or much yichus, but Hashem will worry for my zivug…