Home › Forums › Controversial Topics › @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay › Reply To: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay
@CS We are not questioning the Rebbe. What we are questioning are several statements he made, to better understand what those statements mean. I’m fine with an interpretation the chassidim give, but the interpretation must a) be given, b) fit with core beliefs in Judaism. The statements he made about the Friediker Rebbe, among others, need to be understood to be accepted, not taken as a given, perhaps not by Lubavitch chassidim (they can take whatever he said on faith if they so choose) but Jews from other sects would be in remiss if they didn’t attempt to understand those statements. If the Lubavitcher Chassidim cannot offer an explanation that shtims with basic, core beliefs in Judaism, how can you expect anyone to take those statements at anything but face value, which, you’ll excuse me, sound incredibly wild, and objectively considered, border on heresy. Again, please do not get emotional- what I have stated is, as best I can see, a fact, and I mean no offense. Can we accept that perplexing statements made by anyone are up for logical explanation in a way that fits with classic sources, be they in nigla or nistar? Or do some people have a carte blanche to say whatever they want, beyond question, and expect the rest of the world to believe it, as troublesome as that sounds?