Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?

Home Forums Family Matters Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos? Reply To: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos?


To go with what out of town yid says, I don’t understand everyones obsession with forcing people to work on Saturday’s. For some reason this one day out of the week is such a sore point, even if you’re available around the clock the other six days a week.
Actually, I have learned one thing working all around, and in major corporations. “Diversity” does not have much of a meaning. Companies have websites for diversity. Diversity Officers who make in the six figures per year. Diversity career fairs. Etc. But if you cannot work on Saturday, or even on some religious holidays, they do not want to hear that, and this doesn’t count. The diversity is only for photographs and statistics. If we can get a picture of you at the bar wearing a cute little headscarf (the muslim one only), you are in. If you need a day off, sorry, we found someone “more suited” to our business needs.

Maybe we need a reverse BDS for these companies that are total and complete hypocrits.