Reply To: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie? Reply To: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie?


Non political gave excellent example and it’s not a contradiction. Here’s another two : eating delicious food as part of oneg shabbos.

Rava drinking good wine and meat… To concentrate better on his learning. The key is the intent. Everything in this world is meant to be used for Hashem and thereby elevated which is why the nazir is not the ideal, and neither is living a celibate life for that matter.

No one said we can’t enjoy good food. If I go to a restaurant with my husband to enjoy a night out together and enhance our sholom bayis, there’s nothing wrong with that. Again the key here is intent.

Most self described foodies are not foodies by definition. Most are doing it for parnassa, teaching others how to prepare good food (it’s a talent) etc