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12:30AM EST: Lakewood: Four Incidents

lakewoodpatch.jpgIncident 1: The Lakewood FD and Lakewood Hatzolah are on the scene of a fire at 221 Forest Avenue (near 2nd Street). The fire is reported to be in the basement at the location. Boruch Hashem everyone made it out in time, & there are no injuries being reported, and the fire has been knocked down.

Incident 2: The Lakewood PD is on the scene of a large fight involving an estimated 100 people. The location is New Central Avenue near Miller Road. There is no word on any injuries, or if any weapons are involved.

Incident 3: Lakewood Hatzolah is on the scene of an MVA on Squankum Road and Princeton Avenue. Injuries are minor.

Incident 4: Madison avenue and 8th Street; Lakewood Hatzolah is on the scene of a hit-and-run accident. Lakewood PD is responding. There are B”H no injuries.


12 Responses

  1. I just came from the “fire” on forest ave. The whole fire department was there. No one that I met there could figure out what the big “stink” was about, as specialy since there was’nt even any smoke, let alone flames. The only smell there was, was the smell of policemen smoking cigarets. Something smells fishy. Usualy when there is smoke theres fire. I guess there can be fire without smoke too.

  2. Princeton & Squankum is one of the most scary intersections in LKWD. We need a traffic light there! There have been way too many accidents there.

  3. I dont know where you were at but when I got on the “fire” scene there was smoke coming from the basement and my friend said there was lots of smoke inside the house. Again where I was there werent police smoking cigarettes just a bunch of the township fire dept members working to clear the smoke that was found INSIDE the house. If you think you can do a better job than those men then you are more than welcome to join them. They can always use more members.
    In reference to the Princeton Ave and Squankum Ave.- how many traffic lights does one town need? if people would pay attention when they are driving there wouldnt be so many accidents. It is a problem all over not just in Lakewood. We all have the problem.

  4. Dastaira:
    Lakewood FD protocol is to go out as the call comes in. If some one calls 911 and yells “My whole home is on fire” they have to put out a general alarm (which means that all stations are paged out). Would you rather that or always have one truck come out first to see for them selves what is going on ? I think their policy of better safe than sorry is pretty good.

  5. to the first comment, before writing a long negative paragrapgh, why don’t you find how the fire was called in? Maybe someone panicked and called it in more than it really was?

    Why are there so many negative comments on the articles written on this site?

  6. dispatcher2160 – As a city becomes more populated the need for more traffic lights becomes more necessary. Traffic lights are not deterents, they DO help with easing traffic.

  7. dispatcher 2160 – Anyone who has ever driven there knows that we need a traffic light at that corner.

    It has nothing to do with paying attention – it’s just set up in a very dangerous way.

  8. to number 10 the fight was about who should Daven for the Umhad,

    what a stupid question & sometimes i wonder wether you people have brains or Kidneys instead

    does it make a difference why a bunch of Goyim fight, do you need a reason

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