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10:24PM EST: Election Results For 2/9/08 & Delegate Totals

election2.jpgPlease refresh your page,  and scroll down for up to the minute results! (YWN will be updating as results come become available ) 4 states are holding presidential primaries or caucuses today (Saturday, Feb 9):

Kansas: 6:35PM EST: (Democrat: Barak Obama wins on Feb 9) Republican: Mike Huckabee projected winner.

Louisiana: 11:44PM EST: Democrat: Barak Obama projected winner Republican: Mike Huckabee projected winner 

Nebraska: 9:11PM EST: Democrat: Barack Obama projected winner Republican: Primary scheduled for May 13

Washington: 9:00PM EST: Democrat: Barack Obama projected winner Republican: Still voting

10:24PM EST: Total Delegate in Election ’08 (CNN):

Hillary Clinton (D): 1,083

Barak Obama (D): 1,006

John McCain (R): 714

Mitt Romney (R) [Quit]: 286 

Mike Huckabee (R): 217

6 Responses

  1. It looks like Hillary has a good chance of ending up in the white house after all.

    If you look at the bright side of things its not so bad for 2 reasons.
    #1 Any yidden who Chas V’shalom get convicted within the next 4 years can hopefully purchase a pardon for themselvs.
    #2 Once she is finished with the presidency she will most likely not run for a lower office. So we’ll be finished with Hill & Bill for good (unless they begin to promote Chelsea for office)

  2. Dear Ani Oymar, FYI, on the democratic side a presidetial candidate needs 2025 delegates to win the nomination, so Barack is not at all behind. If you look at the VOTER DELEGATES (people who actually voted for him in delegate numbers) he is way ahead of her. So don’t start thinking that she is about to pardon everyone just yet.

  3. For everyone’s information:

    1191 delegates are needed to win the Republican Nomination.

    2025 delegates are needed to win the Democratic Nomination.

  4. bacci40,

    The ones who scream the loudest about the elections or the government are usually the slackers who are not even registered to vote!

  5. I hate to say this, but after studying the selection we will have to choose from next November, I may just write in “Mickey Mouse” or refrain from voting. Not a single candidate from either party will motivate me to vote for him/her.

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