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CS: It’s based on the Chasam Sofer, but the idea was developed in a sefer in press that I had a sneak preview of- it’s called One Nation, I guess it will hit the bookstores in a few months. Interesting that it was the women who saw reality and acted to change things: While Yitzchak was hoping that Eisav the Ish Sadeh would be able to use his materialistic nature for good, to serve his purpose of supporting Yaakov the Yoshev Ohalim, Rivka realized it was not to be- she understood Eisav’s true nature, and therefore orchestrated that Yaakov would get the Brocho that should have been Eisav’s- the material good in the world, because only he would know how to use that properly, and that he would need to be able to support himself since Eisav refused the job. Leah also saw through Eisav and realized he could not fulfill his intended task, her response was crying and tefilla that she should not be fated to Eisav, but rather to Yaakov.
BY the way, when I said 8 shevatim and 4 shevatim I was referring to the sons each had herself and from her shifcha.