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Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva: The Storm Should Awaken Us

Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita addressed Hurricane Sandy, which continues pounding areas of the United States. Speaking with talmidim at the yeshiva the rosh yeshiva stated “Chazal tell us כי אין פורענות באה לעולם אלא בשביל ישראל,” telling them to take heed of the ongoing storm and its destruction.

The rav added “if we hear of tragedy and flooding thousands of kilometers away it is for us, Yisrael, to awaken us to strengthen our emunah and to do a tikun, to improve our ways.”

“All the events in the world are a learning process for man, to look, learn and wake up towards a realization of what tikun needs to be done. The main thing is to improve one’s midos, the avreira of the churban. As long as this is not done, the avreira of the churban continues and the Beis HaMikdosh will not be built. We must strengthen and awaken!”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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