Reply To: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence Reply To: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence


Glad to hear the CTL gives every single penny of expendable income to tzedaka. Dollar for dollar, what the IRS gets, tzedakos won’t. However, if he is in such a bracket that the deductions will cost him 20K, he will surely save a chunk on the drop in the marginal rates at the upper end.

On a slightly lower scale that many more of us are at, please note: Personal deductions gone. So a (hypothetical) family with 8 kids (and our community has a lot of those) will now have to pay tax on 41,500 more in income. Maybe there will be a slightly better bracket, and standard deductions goes up (If you pay a mortgage and give maser, that won’t help you much either), that is still thousands more in tax expense than before. The average baal mishpacha of a decent size making between 80-120K, not the rich of our world by any standards, are gonna get socked like you wouldn’t believe.