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Did Israeli Yated Ne’eman Forget HaGaon HaRav Finkel’s ZT”L Yahrzeit?

Almost all the chareidi media this past shabbos, 11 Cheshvan 5773 carried a story on the first yahrzeit of legendary Mir Rosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZT”L. The actual yahrzeit was on shabbos, and family members and talmidim visited the late rosh yeshiva’s kever on erev shabbos.

Surprisingly, the only chareidi newspaper/magazine not to mention the rosh yeshiva’s yahrzeit was Yated Ne’eman, davka the newspaper affiliated with the litvish tzibur. A group of angry Mir talmidim posted a sign decrying the “insult to Torah” in response.

When contacted to comment on the missing coverage, Yated insists this was not the case and the newspaper l’chatchila planned to cover the yahrzeit this coming shabbos, 18 Cheshvan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. On marCheshvon 18th they will be able to give very good coverage of all the Johrzeit commemorations & Hespedim.

    I hope & trust, that they shall also at the same time duly cover the 22nd Johrzeit of the indefatigable & legendary Rav Meir Kahana ZT’L.

  2. Are we sticking up for kvod hatorah! What would the tayere rosh yeshiva do! What would he want! I’m afraid to say he wouldn’t agree with a single one of the above commentators! He loved every yid like himself! He would never hurt a yid no matter what the yid did to him! He would rather be mochel on his kovod than slandering a yid (and especially not on public forums etc.) Lets do something l’ileu nishmat the rosh yeshiva and attempt to bring achdus as thats what he always breathed!

  3. Rav Nosson Tzvi would have been Mochel, and said it’s not their fault. I on the otherhand am not a tzaddik like he was and believe someone messed up BIG TIME. Maybe if they would look at the American edition they would have known.

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