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Body of Israeli National Found in E. al-Arish

Authorities reported that the body of an Israeli male was found in eastern el-Arish in Sinai on Friday 10 Cheshvan 5773. The body was transported to Israeli authorities and to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute for an autopsy.

An autopsy of some type was also performed by the Egyptians before the body was returned and the Egyptian media on erev shabbos reported the man was shot to death. The reports added the man was dressed and his wallet contained cash and identification. Maariv reports the man was found carrying 430 NIS, $5 and a driver’s license. Maariv adds it appears the victim was shot at close range.

Israel Radio adds that the man was a 48-year-old taxi driver who left for a cruise from Cyprus but never arrived. Family members on Sunday morning gave their approval to perform an autopsy after police explained that is the only way to determine how he died and if foul play was involved.

Yonatan Rosenzweig of the Israel Foreign Ministry reported the matter was turned over to Israel Police for investigation. Police report that state officials are still handling the matter and they have not yet taken over the case, adding it is not certain that the man was murdered but if this was the case, it is unclear at present if the murder was a criminal act or terror.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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